Our team is small but have these attributes in common. We are meticulous, creative and caring, fun-loving yet professional and extremely detail oriented.
Administrative team:
Barbara Garelick, Founder/Owner; Sales, customer development and works on the daily nitty gritty of matching the right source, materials, designer and installer for your project.
Carole Gass, Administrative Manager; Customer support and accounts payable.
Tristan Casa, Strategist and Customer Liaison; Tech solutions. Oversees project management and helps streamline procedures. Customer support.
Creative Team:
Christine Roose, Art Director; Graphic Designer, Creative Consultant
Sklyar Blum, Graphic Designer
Nancy Ruzow, Graphic Designer
Installation Team:
Juan Diaz, Head Installer; Provides the appropriate team of installers for each project. Performs site surveys as needed at your location. His team consistently gets rave reviews from my customers. They put the finishing touch on all things branded by BGE.